Jennifer Nugent

311420_10150305983557034_294960962_n copy  Jennifer Nugent has had the pleasure of dancing with the Bill T.   Jones/Arnie Zane Dance company from 2009-2013 and David Dorfman Dance from 1999-2007.  She has also had opportunities to work intensively with Daniel Lepkoff, Nina Winthrop, Lisa Race, Yin Mei, Doug Elkins, Bill Young, Colleen Thomas, Kate Weare, and Martha Clarke, Gerri Houlihan, and Dale Andre. Jennifer was a 2008 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence and has taught and performed her own work at festivals, theaters, and universities throughout the United States, Korea, Russia, and Vietnam.

Class Description
Using improvisational and set warm-ups, we will focus on the volume and weight inside the body and its relationship to the floor. Exercises that bring awareness to the feet, spine, and pelvic floor encourage the feeling of release in the limbs, allowing us to fall and suspend off-center, simultaneously finding a grounded flexible base of support. Using these physical tools, we will explore sensation, instinct, and the inherent musicality inside the body, phrasing. All the while dancing, we will work toward a more grounded and direct approach to movement.

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